It’s really only fair to future generations that I preserve my exquisite head in all its three dimensional glory. So I am.
...or maybe I’m just the nearest model to hand.
Either way, here’s a cropped screen shot (of a screen shot) showing a wee bit of my process.
That's a torboSmoothed version - so don't judge the topology (you're doing it! I can feel your judgment!) |
I paint over (usually in a contrasting colour, I changed the hue for you, to show what I intend to hew....Hew) the model to give me a list of changes rather than pushing and pulling vertexes for hours - I’m modelling freehand (which I’m beginning to regret, my eyes are starting to strain due to my try to see half way around my own head) so lack of direction can be a bit of a time sink [insert awesome image of time travelling kitchen sink].
My aim it to use this delightful digital doppelganger for 3D tracking, mapping it over my own head and doing all kinds of crazy (or realistic) visual effects. Mostly just gonna melt my face off...or maybe I'll explode it.
Time for a face off, blogosphere.
What has one face and two thousand faces, Blogosphere?